Excellent. There are no words left. You've hit the target.

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lovely and brilliant and speaks to the soul of each human i am praying will wake up and listen. thank you!!

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The old ways are no longer sufficient. A verifiable reflection of reality, truth, cannot be instantly available to us. Truth is emergent. Our decision making will have to become more decentralised to take this into account but that's impossible because power is never given up voluntarily.

Every decision we make from now must be to increase our individual sovereignty and agency. Covid has acted like a time jump giving us the gift of seeing how quickly things can change. The is very valuable information which we should act on.

Good citizens like good scientist are sceptics. The cost of being good citizens will be to abandon certainty. It can't be done all at once but by becoming a part of a safe community reality mappers we may be able to ween ourselves off institutions we've offloaded our sensemaking to and reclaim minds.

We are simply hackable machines. It's time to raise our firewalls.

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Beautiful words. Thought provoking.We want to return to normal but yes let's not have hallway medicine and overworked healthcare workers. Let's not have bureaucrats with large bank accounts while long term care workers are

strugglingg between 2 or more LTC homes to just make ends meet and our beautiful seniors left in horrid conditions that were covered up for years.

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Exceptional piece. You've articulated everything I've been struggling with this past year. Thank you!

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Beautifully written. So many nuggets of gold in there.

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How many are reading these beautiful posts. Not many comments but hopefully it is pulling at heart strings of those reading.

Very interesting comment though regarding the 19 workers at a lab testing positive for covid and someone stated they might be trying to set up the protestors as the MARS lab.is steps to Queen Park. Always interesting theories. I thought I would write it here as comments get buried. Does someone have inside knowledge or just thinking outside the box. Who knows. Is the OST using fear and threats against citizens. It's all about health remember that and threatening and fear areao bad for your health and since the CTV said stay positive so the vaccine gives you better immunity then I guess fear and threats steal your immunity.

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Cate first let me congratulate you for a thoughtful, well researched and passionate essay laying bare the overreaching and harmful response to COVID by our politicians and unelected health professionals. I know that this may seem like I am oversimplifying things but every time I ask myself how we got here, I keep coming back to the same causes - an apathetic and ill informed population and corporate owned media and their activists who cling to a narrative, which seems to be in favour of promoting left leaning big governments who will tell us how to live our lives. Lastly, the the elected politicians at the federal level who were elected

With less than 1/3 of the popular vote and are choosing to run the country like dictators, promoting their utopian (dystopian?) vision of Canada through divisive tactics such as gender, racial and identity politics are ultimately to blame. Of course they have been given cover For the last decade+ we have been told that we need to combat climate change and reduce CO2 emissions. When the free market refused to invest in this failed science experiment, governments in California, Onatario and Germany to name a few decided that they would “invest” taxpayer money in subsidizing initiatives such as solar, wind, biomass etc and the results have been disastrous for tax payers (Ontario!!!). Think about the dearth of coverage of these failed initiatives from the MSM. Do many people know that Germany’s cost per kWh of power are substantially higher than France’s, who produce a much higher % of their power via nuclear generation? The media refuse to cover these stories that don’t fit their narrative. The left’s hair caught on fire when notorious anti-capitalist and liberal shill, Michael Moore produced a highly critical doc about the hypocrisy of the climate terrorists and yup, YouTube took it down. Estimates are that over 500,000 people turned up yesterday in London and not a peep from the BBC and other MSM. I have contacted at least 15 journos to ask 11 pointed questions of federal and provincial politicians and health experts not one has even acknowledge my email. Which brings me back to a question I asked several times on other threads - with an apathetic and fearful majority of Ontario residents and a MSM that does not have our backs by promoting our charter of rights and freedoms, how do we change the channel? Everyone here gets it but many of our friends and family do not. I feel like we are howling at the moon!

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Excellent. Thank you.

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Do you want to be pro humanity. Pro humanity includes warning of dangers not covering them up. A drug trial has to have all the data and not covered up and the covid 19 studies had cover ups to the data.

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I want to be considered intelligent and a critical thinker. When leaked documents from Facebook indicate a full out attack to cover up concerns of the vaccine one asks why?

When Irfan Dhalla states what you should say to the ever shrinking unvaccinated well this is what we say back "listen to many experts who called out long in advance the dangers of the vaccine and they have been correct on the blood clots neurological disorders heart problems that are happening especially in younger people who are not at risk of the virus and pose no threat to the elderly either. Let's wait and see if it comes true that when the vaccinated come into contact with viruses this next cold and flu season will many have ADE that were vaccinated? Will they have cytokine storm? This is what Facebook covers up. They cover up thousands of stories of vaccine adverse events including deaths. Facebook deleted a group with 100000 followers that were sharing the injury stories.

Yes let's have a discussion about the long term effects of the vaccine since there have been so many blood clots that now makes them not rare any longer. Just like Dr. Bachdi stated. Dr. Sharon Tenpenny has great information to ponder in order to make an informed decision. One not coerced and critical thinkers do well to read it and not be governed by fear tactics and cover ups.

Reading the dangers that can happen come September for those vaccinated is a scary thought. Especially if your loved ones took the vaccine. However protecting yourself is very important because someone has to take care of loved ones if they are injured from the vaccine because the government won't. Many doctors are covering up adverse reactions and if children 12 or older get the vaccine behind their parents back and suffer problems like a 12 year old in Britain in the vaccine study is in the hospital with problems from the vaccine and they continue to hide it for a bit from their parents because their scared they might have missed time from going to the hospital and suffer far serious consequences.

So let's have that discussion with arrogant people who do not have one courageous bone in their bodies to realize the extent of the dangers that might occur.A Nobel peace prize doctor is stating that those who took the vaccine can die within a couple of years . This is an expert in the field. This is not a paid shill doctor with conflicts of interest. Dr. Michael Yeadon spent massive years in the vaccine industry. Their predictions can't be ignored. Refusal to take the vaccine using critical thinking skills is far better then coercion through fear and threats you won't be able to get your old normal back which are criminal. Refusal to take the vaccine because it has harmed your loved ones cannot be denied. So get off your pompous butts and leave it to Individual choice. None of your business who has not taken the shot. Considering many countries dropping vaccine passports indicates that there is really no confidence in the vaccine. As long as they injected a percentage they are happy. My guess it's still only 60% and 40% have refused the shot. Thus Ontario should be in Stage 1 according to Doug Ford. Will he announce it today? That were going I to Stage 1 on Friday? He will be lying to you if he doesn't. If you believe anything he says and he lies then your a fool.

Let's wait and see what happens this fall when our new influenza season starts to see the effects of the vaccine as everyone who took it are guinea pigs. I really hope what these experts state doesn't happen. Remember last fall with no vaccine deaths were minimal. Out of an average of 310 deaths a day in Ontario these deaths that are sad were not out of the norm. This indicated the virus was endemic as a Toronto hospital had told it's nurses. Past history indicated it was endemic. It will be sad if there are many deaths especially in the under 60 who were not a risk. Will colds be harder to get over. Will there be more blood clots and auto immune disease and cytokine storms. All these questions are the guinea pig study in humans. A world wide study till Jan. 2023. Very sad to think about these questions but these questions need answering and will be answered as time goes by. That is critical thinking. That is a mature and intelligent decision that bullies and arrogant people can't over ride.

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Who Do you Want to Be? You can be a hero in many ways. Is speaking out against lockdowns the right side of humanity? I think it is.

Let's be clear on those guiding us during this pandemic. They are leading us down the wrong path.

A study done in Toronto with covid 19 patients in their hospital rooms proved that SarsCov2

was not readily transmissible on surfaces or detected on surfaces and in the air there was no identifiable risk. Thus the issue of ventilation in schools would not be at play when determining whether children should go back to schools and we know it's being used frequently especially by teachers on twitter.

This study proves that asymptomatic children in school are not the drivers of any infection and in fact even children in the schools who had symptoms would not be driving the cases of infection due to surface touch or in the ventilation system when actual sick covid 19 patients in hospitals were not a major exposure risk to healthcare especially in the air system.

Maybe the teachers union should back off on all their claims of unsafe work places as shown by this study. N95 not needed and kids do not need to be masked.

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A great tweet tagged to the White House and SEC but it would work at Sussex Drive Queen's Park OSC-is the censoring of science research (because it results in undesirable optics)and which ultimately conceals a defective product not just be fraud but also considered a form of insider trading. Not my tweet. I found it interesting based on Pfizer admitting the vaccines are not mature products up to their highest safety standards...why because rushed experimental.

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Absolutely agree

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