On Tuesday April 20/21 a complaint was filed at The Hague against the UK government and its advisors for genocide crimes against humanity and Nuremberg code violations.

Boom!!! .Canadian complaint on the way?

When police think they have the right to remove children from loving homes because parents didn't social distance we have a real infringement on the Charger of Rights and abuse by police.. This is despicable. So will the OPP be removing chldren from mobsters and other organized crime figures and from crooked cops too who move drugs engage in racketeering money laundering fraud?

Were waiting..

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The story of the young girl who died in Brampton very sad but it actually proves links to be investigated so other parents don't freak out. This little girl would not have died if she was given treatment for pneumonia. So she didn't die from covid. Secondly Dad vaccinated April 12. Wife gets sick. Child gets sick but won't take her to.the hospital. The wife and kids never went out of house for months. Rather sad.

Health measures and fear 24 7 from MSM and doctors of overwhelmed hospitals lead to this death. Don't allow the media out of sharing in the blame even though they will exploit the death. They have all been caught lying in the media. Seems the news of closing down pedatrics ward might not have helped as it scared the father from taking her to the hospital.

I would've investigating what role the vaccine played as obviously the father who was negative didn't bring it home from work. So thanks for this news story the vaccine shedding of an experimental vaccine is closely linked.

Very sad to try and scare people though so kids are kept in the house for months and nothing is mentioned about if child had other conditions or obese. Does say hot dogs favorite food. So do lockdowns work. Nope they scare people into staying shut up inside. They don't stop a spread and this experimental.gene therapy is getting lots of attention for causing deaths but they didn't have enough time to test this shedding as so rushed so people became the guinea pigs.

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On Twitter a person named Al nailed the brain dead fluff of the media. How they take stuff out of context to do.hit pieces just like Merck had a hit list to discredit dissenting doctors in order to hide their massive blood guilt for medications causing deaths. The media took Donald Welsh tweets out of context. Have no clue how to focus on what he said and they ignore the other fear and smear campaign of other academics like Fishman Attaran.

The media has no credibility. Clearly political and an attempt to cover up the truth. The media was found guilty in Rwanda for crimes against humanity. Yes the media figures were found for blame. So when we have sad stories of a young one dying from pneumonia because father afraid to have child sent to another hospital but clearly doesn't have sense of the necessity because of fear the media and fear mongering doctors are to blame. Who wouldn't take a child to hospital since the mom was in already. This is pathetic. What has the media and fearo mongers done to common sense?

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If 50 percent of Canadians refuse the Vax it will force their hand. They can't implement vaccine passports with half the population refusing. Call their bluffs and scare tactics. See what their true motivation is. Were not here to tell you not to take the vaccination. Your choice. But along with choice comes having proper information.

The experrimental vaccine is causing issues. How can so many people be getting what looks like massive blood blisters all over their bodies after getting the Vax? You dont think these ones can eventually die? Their lives are just as important as the patient in hospital with covid. Only difference is a fear tactic so strong got them to take it or it was forced on them . That is the issue for a Nuremberg trial. It is not selfish to refuse the vaccine. You can't be persuaded to take it by politicians or doctors who tell you it's for the good of someone else. It is your choice. It's that telling you your selfish if you won't take it or want an end to lockdowns and a return to normal that is the problem. Nuremberg breach.

Since vaccine.manufacturers don't have liability then sue the government for banning treatments that can help. Dragging their feet on finding treatments

For the scare tactics. But there are lawsuits against the manufacturers. Contaminated factories . Shortcuts on the vaccine production can bring the lawsuits.

Do not cave in. Stand firm and do not take a vaccine in order to stop lockdowns . This is what will get the government into massive problems.

It is unravelling. Social distance of six feet had no scientific basis. Neither does masks. Shutting down restaurants and businesses has no evidence either for justification of it. Proper cleanliness goes a long way to health. But not to excessive compulsive behavior. Our cleaning products of the past do just fine like the television ads told us. Soap and water for hands too. The asymptomatic spread is shot down. Outdoor transmission shot down as to validity of it.

The mental harms so massive that it will take many a long time to calm down and go back to normal.

People dying at home. Whose fault. The fear mongers. Not people who don't mask up or go to protests. So stop with that.

Why is that people not masking up are healthy? How come it's those wearing masks and hiding who are getting sick? The CDC did a study in the summer. What about now? Same thing no doubt. Mask wearing caused harms. They can try to subvert the truth but do you believe the fear mongers who are desperate to get out of the whole they dug themselves into? That's the usual for those caught. The data is in. Are people on farms wearing masks while working in the fields? Where they might get poop from animals on masks. Think about that one. How about our foreign workers in fields? Before you mandate out of fear or because it's a political move why not look at all angles.

Thank you to Donald Best a professor who tells if like it is. many Israelis were calling for help and stated what happened in Israel with the mass vaccination and then segregation if unvaccinated was coming to other countries so take warming from it. One even mentioned Canada and Trudeau. So shame on political moves and ignoring what others say. Those ones opinions count. If you don't like a comment why not research it. The appeal to the International Criminal Court speaks volumes on this viewpoint. Using an atrocity to highlight a mentality does not take away from the atrocity. In fact it brings attention to the horrific stuff done when one is allowed to rule without accountability. Just like trying to erase movies or series like Roots or 7 years a slave does nothing to end racism. In fact those movies help to Instill empathy and compassion and to never be racist. George Floyd died from fentanyl overdose. He had gone to jail for sticking a gun in a pregnant females tummy threatening to blow it up. He had serious problems. Instead of using it as an excuse for riots that destroyed many black lives in the process maybe focus on the corruption that enables racism . Injustices that cause poverty and other inequities. People not getting the real help they need. Protests that lead to riots that destroyed black neighbourhoods and had black people killed including cops isn't the solution.

Stop the fear tactics. Healthcare to everyone is essential and scaring people away from the doctors and hospitals does not solve a problem it creates many. Stopping surgeries and screenings creates a massive backlog and sickness and death. Pain and suffering too so don't dare tell people their selfish for speaking out. Don't dare use this tactic to cover up the truth of the matter. Don't dare blame others if they don't wear a mask because it hurts their health. Don't dare say they should be denied healthcare because let's see...package of cigarettes have warning on them saying second hand smoke kills. But the government allows it to be sold making lots of money in taxes. Still sold during a pandemic of a respiratory virus. And those smokers outside a hospital drift the smoke right over to the hospital. A trail of smoke to the doors. There was a crisis of vaping prior to covid. Strange lung conditions.

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Sorry Donald Welsh not Best.

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Yes I see people are reading this former police officers twitter. He certainly endured alot of abuse from a system called a "Justice System" imprisonment for contempt of court based on fabricated evidence by lying lawyers. A crooked cop of the OPP. A crooked Judge. Covid 19 has tested this country and its citizens. It has lead us to these courageous people with the same first name. Donald Welsh a professor and Donald Best a former police officer outing corruption. Both outing the harms of lockdowns Along with millions. Just looking at the weekly anti lock down protests that get bigger everywhere and spread further across the country indicates how deep the lock downs have affected people far and wide. Can you imagine the evilness that has captivated a world and awaken people to issues that remained silent for a long time. I agree with all the comments here and I can tell people are hurting. They are at a loss of what they can do but persevere to try and sound the alarm of the harms caused by these excessive health measures. I think I would trust all these courageous persons before I would trust my health to these crooked leaders and health advisors. No thank you fake Hadju Tam Christine Elliott.

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Let's also not forget the courageous doctors who have spoken out on our behalf. The doctors who have had to work along side a majority of doctors who are scared. These brave doctors smeared in the media and subjected to complaints by other doctors to the political biased CPSO. These doctors that so many Ontarians agree with. Do not our opinions and our right to second ones mean anything? The CPSO is stepping on our Charter of Rights.

Do we have to stand by and be silent when a rushed experimental vaccine is now being considered safe to inject into our kids in Canada yet in the studies 9 children died and others injured. Where is the data for this. We want it. We want the truth because our children are at no risk of covid and they don't risk our lives as parents either. We have 2 to 3 coronaviruses per year on average that kids of school aged children get. Understand that Canada. We get coronaviruses of which covid is one of them now as endemic. We deal with it. Stay away from our children you freaks. 9 children dying others injured is one too many. One too many. Repeat that. Stay away from our children with your lies.

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The lawsuits are mounting. Bill and Melinda Gates being sued and Melinda Gates stated they never took into consideration the economic toll of lockdowns. Then they definitely didn't consider the mental toll. The tragedies. The food shortages. Wow dumb people eh. So are lawsuits against Theresa Tam and Trudeau mounting. This is why thet have fast tracked the vaccine for 12 to 15. To scare the people. To try and make schools force the vaccine. See through these creatures. They are getting such push back from Canadians and the LTC commission report is why they approved this vaccine so quickly without data and figures to the public. They are evil. Theresa Tam showed she is evil in the 2010 Movie...Pandemic .

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Did not work out too well for the goodwill of the. people and the OPP stating they would contact CAS if parents don't abide by stay at home orders. The comments are riveting.

We already know many CAS were supposedly on.the brink of bankruptcy. So going to overwhelm them some more?

A Texas school district has not mandated masks and social distance and the kids are thriving. It's not that difficult if you really put the kids needs first.

Think on that one OPP.

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The Canadian Emergency Act is only a temporary measure when the situation is critical and is for the protection of citizens who are in absolute danger and the Province can't contain it. Hmm isn't this a Virus with a survival rate of 99.9 for majority and many with no symptoms or light. Very few with severe as seen after nearly 2 influenza seasons the deaths have centred in a controlled environment as LTC and to those with a number of health issues.

The Emergency Act is to protect us from outside danger which could include foreign interference as CSIS stated there is. So where is a true emergency then? This virus is endemic and not a real threat so thus little hard to enact the Emergency Act. As well the Government even under the Emergency Act cannot detain or imprison or put into internment camps Canadian citizens and legal immigrants.

It's only temporary so continued lock down during the summer with no data to support it wouldnt even be allowed under the Emergency Act . Summer data proves it. So where are these characters allowed to use criminal coercion blackmail to take a vax or be in lockdown.

These characters are trampling on every avenue of Canadian Law and Charter. With Quarantine Hotels and arrests of people not social distancing.

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China is not being taken to Court for fake PPE and propaganda but CSIS and the federal government don't hold China accountable. CSIS under the Emergency Act would be there to protect us from communism but they do nothing. Why? They have been asked to look into it and RCMP are supposedly investigating theft of stuff from the National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg by Chinese scientists and the links to our Federal Covid Round Table. Yup. Those crooked links of cover up and money trails.

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The government is under obligation to protect the health and welfare of citizens but they cannot supercede the Charter and continued lock downs harm the citizens Studies upon studies prove this. Any intelligent human being already knew from day 1 they do. Fear removed critical thinking. Thankfully

Many woke up. Especially summer is necessary for vitamin D into our bodies preparing us for the winter influenza season. So this supposed Theresa Tam who calls herself a doctor ignore this very fact and is denying Canadians vitamin D for their immunity. What a crook she is and fraud. We call on CSIS and the RCMP arrest her and Patty Hadju.

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Our Charter and Bill of Rights cannot be denied even in an Emergency. The government is in the hot seat right now with what Theresa Tam has stated regarding the vaccine and lock downs. And remember the Charter and Bill of Rights are for each individual citizen so mask mandates using subversion by saying it is to protect others is illegal.

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Great point was made that since we know covid 19 started in Wuhan months before the lock downs. So in other words just like Canada the virus was spreading in the community at large before any lock downs. China did a ten week lockdown and said no covid. Then like theatre a case would pop up according to them and here came all the emergency forces in Hazmat suits. Then nothing. China has essentially been opened for a year and many pictures no masks. Life as usual. So how come Toronto and Peel in such long lockdowns now have such high numbers of covid and that people are dying at home. That's the latest. Maybe the lockdowns are the reason along with a flawed PCR test and masks and vaccine. Seems rather sketchy here. If they can't lie here and be believed they move somewhere else.

The Chinese in Wuhan went out to get groceries in lockdown. When they were let out of lock down they all crowded together.like sardines. Can't get to covid zero.

The only way is not to test. China doesn't test now . If you believe China actually tested after their lock downs like the rest of the world you are lied to. And their testing and case was different to ours in the beginning. The fraud will come out. A family of 5 cancels test appointment and then gets called they are positive. Those stories will be heard if true. You can be sure of that and anyone with these stories call Rocco Galati or Roman Baber. Enough is enough with threats of more lockdowns unless 75 percent get the vaccine. The criminal code needs to be applied here. Lets go on the legal attack and collect everything we can.

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Thanks for the data. Focusing on the past helps put the present in perspective so that we assess a situation in a much better light. The past mistakes help to follow a better course of action too. It seems FEAR has overtaken us.

However today it is selfish to have a different view about death and what death is more important than others.

We have stopped necessary surgeries that can be live saving in order to focus on another.illness. People say cancer isn't contagious. Can't be spread.. But cancer is a major health issue affecting many more as we go along and since covid can be transmitted like any other virus and viruses are treatable even like in Ebola does it make sense to focus on it only to put every other health issue on the back burner.

Might we better use our resources to take care of all health and use treatments to help everyone's health and not focus on one virus where majority have no different experience than other viruses and then reflect on whether the health measures enacted were more to blame for bad outcomes then the actual virus.

Isn't it sad when you have to go to the Supreme Court to get a treatment like Ivermectin to save a life. What happened to doctors being allowed to give a treatment because the patient wanted it. Very sad. This is happening in a rich country called America. What is going on?

People have become vicious over masks. Even state those who don't wear masks or go to anti lockdown protests should be denied medical care. Wow.

That goes down a dangerous path of humanity. Should we deny obese people medical treatment too. Or smokers and vapers. How about drug overdoses. We could go on. How sad covid has destroyed critical thinking and empathy and compassion. Take for example the volcano in St. Vincent. The government said only vaccinated to leave on the cruise ships. Dangerous path.

An experimental vaccine that has had over 6000 deaths and nearly 300000 adverse reactions in Europe is somehow a good cure for covid. Really? That many adverse events in just under 4 months. Not every event is even known either. We all have to wait to see the data supported and events confirmed but think seriously. Could any government ever mandate it and force it on anyone. Especially force it or you can't move about life freely. I believe the threat of vaccine mandate and vaccine passports is to create fear and force people to take it. Strong people won't give in. Even worse is trying to force it on children who have even been affected by as a majority. Even chicken pox or measles can be a week of uncomfortable symptoms for kids. But at least the vaccines for chicken pox and measles was tested properly and not pushed as an emergency authorization in under 6 months and all people taking it are the human guinea pigs. The experiment. That's critical thinking skills without fear causing coercion.

So for all those stricken with fear. Ignore data and are going down the dangerous path of thinking an experimental vaccine should be mandated and people should be denied medical treatment because they don't agree with the health measures even though these ones are supported by many doctors and scientists who agree with them need to smarten up.

Humanity doesn't involve politics. Our health is not dictated by politics. Neither should a vaccine involve politics.

Quarantine camps were discounted as conspiracy in October but became reality in February. Will the other parts of the leaked Liberal Plan become reality. Who really knows. None of us want to think of evil people doing that. But what happens if it is a true. What will people say then. I myself do not allow that to cause me fear. I like to call out the bluffs and all the cover ups of the failures so should be interesting.

But remember we are responsible for our own health and we cannot demand of others to protect us. The past year has been interesting as many people have been awaken to the massive corruption and remember this corruption has lead us to this. The government cares nothing about your health. Otherwise they would never have shut down playgrounds and movement. They would have been prepared for emergencies and they would have propped up our hospitals this past year. They would not have conflicts of interest and scare tactics would not have been used. Long term care would not have turned into prisons and lots of deaths many from neglect and outrageous health measures. Our media would not have been engaged in lying and scare tactics too.

So for those mean people who think people should be denied healthcare yet it was ok for massive BLM protests including riots you clearly have no critical thinking skills. You are allowing the lies of the media and public health to manipulate you and you are allowing them to lie creating fear which causes sickness and death too.

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Here we go with criminal coercion. 75 percent of population needs to be vaccinated or we remain in lock down. Yup I was just waiting for this

Criminal coercion following that leaked Liberal Plan.

Call them on their bluff. Don't take it if you don't want it. Nuremberg Violations It will just cost them more money for lock downs.

So lockdowns it is. Then the health care bill will continue to skyrocket with missed screenings and surgeries. The health care workers will continue to deteriorate with insane measures and more people will wake up. Around and around we go.

Does everyone now see it's not about health. Deteriorating mental health issues straining the health care system and then affecting physical health.

That leaked Liberal Plan is rather looking to NOT be just a conspiracy theory. But again call them on their bluffs and get sending complaints to the International Crimes Tribunal.

Do you think they have confidence in the vaccine if they have to threaten lock downs through summer season when covid was barely a blimp on the radar blast summer and it was just the continual daily cases deaths that kept the fear mongering alive.

So if you don't want the vaccine don't take it. You don't have to. Your not to blame for lock downs. They are and they are trying to turn citizens against each other to blame those who won't take it. Your not responsible for lockdowns. They are. Plain and simple truth.

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Remember 50 percent of those people on that Liberal committee were mad about it. But silent now. Are they all cowards. If they don't push back they are cowards.

Anyone MP or MPPs who do not push back are cowards. They are traitors to the Nuremberg code. This latest ploy is against the Nuremberg Code.

So again call them on their bluffs. Push back and demand your medical doctors stand up for their patients right. Demand your GP protect your rights. Even if they are scared into taking it their fear can't be put onto you. Informed consent.its experimental.

These are evil people. They all are and we all know it's all to cover up corruption.. Yes massive corruption. Remember MK Ultra lab in Quebec. It links to Brian Mulroney and find the connection of Theresa Tam to those connected. It's all there. Research.

Call them on their bluffs. They are crooked and it ain't about your health. The common cold and flu circulated all year. They lie to your face the flu disappeared. No it did not!!!!!! Subversion of truth. If you have to lie and cheat and scare you are the health risk. You are the virus that kills. The government of Canada is paying out for the MK Ultra Lab experiments and they just stepped up to doing different experiments like microchips.

I think that the latest scumbag announcement of lockdown if we don't get 75 percent to take the vax is connected to that MK Ultra Lab and the outage on here by someone of high corruption. I think someone has pushed that creep lady into going against the Nuremberg Code. So yup ask Tam lady what she is involved in.? Since we were just told yesterday our cases are going to peak in a few days and start declining without 75 percent vaccinated.And we have the data from last summer to prove it. Flip Flop criminality at play.

When is Rocco Galatia lawsuit going to be heard. Tam is being sued. Can't wait. I'd she being sued for her personal wealth?

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What happens to the 25 percent of Canadians who refuse it. Let's all do the math on herd immunity. Take into consideration covid a coronavirus was around for a year and a half During that time we had many who got sick but only considered the flu. Then we have over a million people who supposedly got covid. So that brings us to perhaps 2 million Canadians have natural.infdction immunity. Then factor in how many have had the vax in Canada. 5 million already. So let's see out of the population of adults in Canada along with natural infection where does that lead us to in terms of herd immunity. Then look at the past regarding endemic viruses. We can back then into the corner folks. Just refuse the tactics. Theresa Tam is heading to Court. They have dragged the lawsuit and now Roman Baber a lawsuit is being heard May 14th.

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Very interesting observations on necessity of vaccine. In order to have gotten emergency approval the manufacturers had to state 95 percent efficacy. But in reality it is not. Those not at risk especially children do not need the vaccine. The vaccine only lessens symptoms so those not at risk do not have any significant symptoms. Thus no need. So if the vaccine is for those at risk and lessens symptoms then it did its job

Being experimental though raises issues of problems encountered. The vaccine can make a latent virus come out thus reason for shingles after vax. Interesting explanation.So why is Legault of Quebec saying teenagers need the vaccine. Are these guys blind and not researching the data. States that's the way out of lockdown. Vaccinating teenagers. Disgusting. Even worse 5 month old infants being put in vaccine trials.

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